Drew Cameron
President & Founder, Flow Odyssey
Co-Owner & President, Energy Design Systems, LLC
Contractor University Founding Faculty

*Virtual event duration may differ from what is outlined below. Typically, a 1-Day physical in-person event will equate to a 2-Day virtual event. If you are interested in a virtual event, please inquire on event duration.

Also Available for Consulting Services – See Below for More Details

Drew Cameron, America’s Most Sought-After Sales & Marketing Strategy and Success Advisor to Home Services Contractors and is president of Flow Odyssey (formerly HVAC Sellutions) and Energy Design Systems, LLC; the premier industry alliance providing leading edge technology along with thought-leading branding, marketing and sales support and resources including marketing planning, budgeting, content and support for opportunity creation; sales recruiting, education, coaching, and consulting for performance and profit enhancement for Home Services Contractors for opportunity maximization; and design, pricing and economic analysis sales software for HVAC and Home Performance companies.

1 Day Event
2+ Day Event

Time and Task Management for Sanity and Success

Time is a construct of humans. There is no such thing as time. Time is a framework created by people to make sense of their existence. Humans wake and make choices as to how spend their waking moments and even when and how long to sleep. The task humans choose determine the quality of their life. Yet humans squander their waking moments, breaths, and heartbeats on tasks that do not serve them or provide the outcomes their desire personally and professionally. In this session, we will explore time and task management since the passage of time is defined by your choices and your choices determine your results and life experience. Your choices and your peoples’ choices at work determine the success of your business. Task management will determine your quality of life and standard of living, and the standard of excellence and existence for your business.

Wholesome Homes Yield Healthy Businesses: How to Increase Indoor Air Quality Sales

Most contractors struggle to make Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) a prolific, profitable, and prosperous business segment because they do not optimize for success.

Expanding your business beyond HVAC into IAQ, system performance, and home performance is the horizon customers have always sought, yet so few contractors offer. Industry studies have long confirmed that being a Wholesome Home Services Contractor is the most significant opportunity HVAC contractors have to increase sales and profits rapidly. A Wholesome Home Services Contractor focuses on Complete Air and Expert Customer Care – Air Management, Cleaning, Purify, Humidity, and Temperature, and Client Experience.

This class will share concepts and strategies to help contractors see how to develop their product offerings, packaging, pricing, positioning, and promoting. We will discuss how to leverage multiple verticals to sell more IAQ via service add-on sales, system solutions, and standalone purchases. We will also evolve your understanding of IAQ into offering Comfort and Health Enhancing Necessities to provide customers a Wholesome Home that transcends a comfortable home.

Offer customers the opportunity to make their homes wholesome, and your business will be healthier.

Recruiting for Riches: An Insider’s Guide to Building a Winning Team

Do you struggle to find top-producing people? Do you make bad hires that either quit or have to be de-hired? Are you frustrated by hiring people that are not “as advertised”? Discover the top 15 proven trade secrets for building a high-powered top-producing staff from the #1 HVAC Sales Recruiter in the country. You will be exposed to some of the most highly regarded proprietary intellectual property and trade secrets for recruiting superstars for any position. You will get access to some of the industries best trade secrets for locating hidden gem talent pools. Learn how to distinguish between the seeds, the weeds and the ghosts that turn into the “Phantom Menace” that can haunt your company for years, even after they are gone, and profit greatly as a result.

  • Learn the recruiting mistakes all employers make and how to avoid them
  • Get a standardized recruiting process that works well for any position
  • Improve recruiting effectiveness with a standardized set of questions

Maximizing Sales Performance-Strategies and Tools to Drive Results

In this session, we will build on the content from “Find your Calm Blue Ocean of Opportunity and Success.” It all starts with the leader being the leader the team wants and needs. How you show and act drives the team as attitude reflects leadership. You learn specific strategies and tactics that you can employ to expand your resources and communications to drive results or what you can do if you need to conserve resources if you are experiencing a downturn.

You also get select resources from Drew Cameron’s private arsenal reserved exclusively for his clients. You will get an entire goal-setting program to tap into your people’s inner motivations. You will also get our best-in-class sales performance reports. Lastly, you will learn Drew’s innermost secrets for driving sales performance at the individual level. Until now, this data has only been shared with clients and reveals where the opportunity lies with the people and processes to make an exponential explosive impact in sales performance.

Positioning, Packaging and Pricing for Profit

How to close more sales for more money and have more satisfied customers.

  • Closing ratios and average sale not meeting your objectives?
  • Sales revenues missing the target?
  • Profits falling below your goals?

Gain an eye-opening insight to pricing strategies for residential add-on, replacement sales, indoor air quality and whole house performance sales.

Drew will share the methodologies, philosophies, and techniques he uses with clients every day for packaging, positioning and pricing product and service offerings to cover all direct costs, overhead, commissions, profit (double-digit net profit), etc.

This is NOT an accounting, finance or cashflow webinar. This knowledge will SAVE your business from mediocrity and ensure a highly profitable existence.

We will take a sales approach to pricing to drive sales and profit performance while differentiating your offerings. We will look at bundling and developing tiers of product/service packages as a way to shift mix of product sold and drive sales and effectively eliminate the competition.

Don’t miss this session or you will lose sales, profits, and commissions you and your company rightfully deserve!

  • Learn the pricing mistakes over 90% of contactors make
  • Learn how to cover your direct and indirect costs, and profit objectives for all job types.
  • Learn promotional pricing strategies, bundling, and tiering solutions.

Breakthrough Business Leadership: Developing a Process Driven Company

This leadership workshop is about how to improve the execution and profitability within a contracting company. We will discuss this process via leadership practices and a set of fundamentals, metrics and disciplines designed for operators. We will focus on establishing a clear and concise vision for a company, the core values and behaviors to eradicate adult day care issues, establishing a culture of performance, goal setting for each team member, the creation of a plan to attain those goals, the structure for implementing best practices including communication ideas, and a proven method for getting all your team members completely aligned to the goals. We will review how to transition the operator out of a do-it-all role and begin to delegate responsibility to a team of leaders and mid managers. This is a powerful operators workshop designed to highlight how to lead well and drive execution not just concepts, and all the tools to do so are included.

  • A very specific process for leading a company to prosperity and developing your team. This will be the driver in how a culture of performance and accountability can be installed in any company.
  • A planning tool to allow you implement new processes today and then reevaluate and make any necessary adjustments on an annual basis.
  • Real world ideas and templates for tracking accountability in service, sales, installation.
  • The yearly, monthly, weekly and daily reports tools will be handed out for attendees.

Resourceful Recruiting: Creative and Accelerated Strategies

Great companies have at their core great people. This starts with effective ongoing recruiting, onboarding, training, coaching, communication, setting expectations, and accountability. However, if you are looking for unicorns: good people with great attitudes and the skills you require, you will find your recruiting task nearly impossible. Most of you are fishing in the same pond as your competitors for the same fish and wonder why you come up empty. In this session, you will learn some of the most creative and accelerated strategies for recruiting A-type players to your team that you can grow. Your business will grow as you grow your people and team.

Sales Execution: Evolve Your Process to a Framework that Flows with the Consumer’s Process

Sales/Selling is a myth. People choose to buy, or they choose not to buy. The choice is always theirs to make. Attempting to sell people typically yields a lot of hysterical hyperactivity with marginal and inconsistent results, company revenue and personal income, which in turn yields emotional ups and downs for salespeople and business owners.

People + Process = Performance: To eliminate erratic performance results, you will learn a value of executing a process in which you are no longer selling, closing, and overcoming objections. You will change your focus to guide the customer to choose how they want to proceed through a process of engaging, educating, investigating, exploring, sharing, empowering, consideration, discovery, and allowing the freedom of choice to yield a better customer experience and greater performance results.

We will do a deep dive on each step of the process so you can understand the importance of shifting from selling to the natural evolution of discovery. You will learn exactly what to do and begin to understand the psychology of how, why, and when to do everything, and what the customer takes away and what you expect to achieve from each stage of the process.

  1. Mindflow – Get in flow state (personal/professional) for the best possible outcome
  2. Approach and introduction – Project empathy, confidence, certainty
  3. Exploration and connection – Conversation that leads to relaxation, trust, respect
  4. Set mutual expectations – Gain commitment to the framework and objectives
  5. Get to work – Customer, home, and system survey and evaluation
  6. Develop findings and options – Evidence-based, story-connected protocol
  7. Review and narrow – Get alignment on how to proceed
  8. Share findings and options – Set standards and exceed expectations
  9. Gain commitment to next step – Stay relevant to the customer’s process
  10. Continued connection – Success can lead to greatness with consistency

Elevated Sales: Enhance Your Skills to Compel More People to Buy

Do you have salespeople that are stuck?

Do you feel you are getting the biggest bang for your marketing dollars?

Do you feel your salespeople should perform at a higher level?

Get a better return on your lead opportunities. Close more sales for more money with higher customer reviews and more referrals!

Begin your evolution and elevation up the ladder of success and reaching for higher rungs. We will build on the WHAT (the PROCESS taught in the Sales Execution class) and expand your understanding on the psychology of the HOW, WHY, and WHEN of the PROCESS in order to elevate to the next level. You will become aware and prepared to respond to the consumer’s concerns, stop dealing with objections, and develop a collaborative approach and differentiate yourself.

Your objective is NOT TO SELL, but rather provide the best CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE by providing GOOD INFORMATION so the customer can make a GOOD DECISION. You are agnostic to the outcome. You don’t care what the customer does, so long as they do it knowingly. Not focusing on the outcome gets better results than selling.

Your focus is to guide the customer to choose how they want to proceed through your process to determine what makes the most sense for the customer (based on their story, connecting your story, solving problems, creating life impacts, customer experiences, and addressing the customer’s emotional currency to yield an outcome with which the customer is happy).

Topics Covered

  • WHO ARE YOU: To have something different, better, and more, YOU must become something different, better and more, then learn and do things different, better and more
  • Customer Experience = Life Experience (customer’s, yours, co-workers’, and company’s)
  • Your journey from an Unknown Resource to a Trusted Authority to a Trusted Advisor and beyond
  • Meaningful Communication – Not just speaking, but rather being listened to, heard, understood, and most importantly believed
  • Create a safe environment with an alignment and a position of trust
  • Expressive Active Listening
  • Effective questioning to develop emotional currency
  • Expressive responsive 3rd party process to validate then educate
  • Prime Directive: Protect the customer’s sense of control & right to choose
  • The Power of Engagement, Education, Investigation, Exploration, Sharing, Empowerment, Consideration, Realization/Discovery, Choice
  • What and why consumers buy and don’t buy
  • People buy experiences, not things – Be compelling
  • Help customers secure belief as fuel for motivation to traverse the process of change and overcome pain to achieve a mutually beneficial outcome
  • Tool time: Use tools to engage, educate and prove credibility
  • Leverage: Maximizing use of convenient & flexible investment options
  • An educated consumer is not your best customer, a motivated one is

Learn to execute your process based on a psychology and philosophy that is in alignment with how and why people make decisions and purchases. Your emotion and devotion are to exploration, education, conversation and realization versus the typical assumption, indoctrination and assimilation most salespeople inflict on customers.

Expectations Upon Completion

  • Overcome self-limiting beliefs that restrict you from achieving your potential.
  • Have the mindset, intent, and approach for natural success
  • Apply improved communication techniques that help advance the buying process
  • Position your company’s value proposition using 3rd party stories and resources
  • Stop being comparison shopped and commoditized
  • Neutralize your competition by becoming the Trusted Advisor
  • Convert more sales for more money, more profit while yielding happier customers, more referrals, additional personal income (earn what you are worth), job satisfaction, and a better life

Mastering Sales Leadership: The People Parts of Sales Management that Yield Results

Every company needs to have a Director of Sales, Sales Team Leader or Sales Manager, even if the company does not have a dedicated person in that role. The problem with most companies is that no one is appointed to the role or there is someone unaware of (or poorly executing) the role responsibilities.

In this virtual workshop, we’ll explore the most important principles of sales leadership that correlate with success and profitability, from qualities you need to instill in yourself, to how to properly recruit, hire and develop people, and everything in between. We will also take a deeper dive into sub-topics within the realm of sales leadership and share real-world examples, both good and bad. Drew Cameron will then answer your questions and help you address your biggest challenges, obstacles, opportunities, strengths, weaknesses, and threats. You will learn to operate from a place of abundance and expansion versus scarcity and contraction.

Attendees will receive a copy of the slide deck and an arsenal of valuable resources.

Key takeaways include:

  • The critical success principles of sales leadership
  • Who you need to be
  • Qualities of top sales leaders
  • Sales leadership responsibilities
  • How to establish the proper culture
  • Recruiting, hiring, onboarding, educating, training, and developing people
  • Understanding the difference between coaching, management, and leadership of people, processes, and performance
  • A sales meeting framework
  • Goal setting and performance
  • Sales metrics and KPIs
  • Accountability and reporting
  • How to master all of the above and become the inspirational leaders your team needs

Leadership I.M.P.A.C.T.: How to Experience a Surge in Sales, Profits, and Ease of Running Your Business as a Market Leader Using the Same Strategies of America’s Top Contractors

“Build a business that you and your team are proud to represent, enjoy working in, that makes a difference in the lives of those you employ, serve, and your community; and generates the results you deserve and desire for your efforts.”

What separates an elite company from the average contractor? Leadership. However, not leadership you read in a book or get at motivational guru weekend. We are talking about I.M.P.A.C.T. Leadership.

I.M.P.A.C.T. is the Intent, Mindset, People & Product, Approach, Culture, and Transformation to which a contractor aspires by being a leader in every aspect of running their business. Elite Companies don’t think, talk, or behave like typical contractors and think, talk, and behave, but rather more like the homeowners they serve. Not that there is anything wrong with being a typical contractor…it’s just that Elite Companies desire to be anything but typical. This is a calling to serve and excel above and beyond all others while providing an extraordinary experience for the customer. Good is the enemy of great. Great is the enemy of excellence. Excellence is the enemy of extraordinary. And, extraordinary is the enemy of unprecedented. Unprecedented is legendary!

You will gain knowledge to develop the wisdom to hone the skills YOU need, to be the person your business NEEDS YOU TO BE in order to lead your team and company to the next level of excellence, achievement, success, and income.

Discover the key strategies to transform your business to transcend competition and customer expectations while establishes your company as an iconic brand.

  • Discover the 6 critical components of business I.M.P.A.C.T.
  • Get real world examples of the most vital foundational elements of great corporations.
  • Explore key traits, strategies and tactics you need to use to accomplish the best results
  • Learn how to connect with your customers and co-workers at an emotional level to drive desired behavior
  • Understand how people, product and processes drive profits

Technician Opportunity Maximization: Communications Excellence for an Amazing Customer Experience

Executing an effective and efficient service call process can yield a myriad of opportunities for customers to learn about and choose to buy a larger scope of repair work; comfort-enhancing, healthy air and energy-saving components; airflow improvements; whole house performance modifications; and consider potential replacement/upgrade equipment options and cross-departmental offerings. By learning developing better communicate skills technicians become “of better service” to customers and deliver an unprecedented customer experience.

When technicians understand that they are “serving” the customer, not “selling” the customer they become inspired to aspire to a greater standard of performance and level of service. It is this Servant Leader mentality that allows technicians to maximize the results every service call with integrity. From setting the stage properly technicians are able to increase average tickets and maximize the revenue potential and profitability from every call while delivering greater customer care and happiness. Customers that feel better served will purchase more, purchase more frequently, become loyal clients and provide more referrals. Technicians that can communicate more effectively without feeling like they are selling, but rather serving, will be more at ease, make more sales, feel more fulfilled and be better compensated. And the company will ultimately be more successful.

You will walk away with a better understanding of an efficient service call process, effective customer care, excellent communications and dynamic sales skills, as well as ten (10) turnkey tools and resources you can use to enhance the process and on (1) year worth of unlimited remote phone and email coaching support on the material for each attendee and management absolutely FREE.

  • The Ultimate Service Call Process
  • Communication skills necessary to provide an unprecedented customer experience
  • How to get customers to buy complete permanent solutions not temporary fixes and bundle repairs, add-on products, and service agreements, and consider buying replacement systems.

High Performance Marketing: Messaging to Maximize Mindshare and Marketshare

Get more leads, sales, and profits through better marketing. Create superior marketing collateral for maximum effectiveness. You’ll learn how to gain a commanding edge over the competition with easy, turnkey proven strategies and how to get more business from your current lead flow and marketing expense.

Marketing Basics: What marketing IS and IS NOT, and how to leverage it for maximum sales potential; the importance of creative marketing and advertising collateral with a consistent look, feel, tonality, messages and offers.

Good Ads vs. Bad Ads: How to create high impact lead generator, retention or an all-purpose image branding ads with punch utilizing the Z-pattern, consumer litmus test, and competitive quotient. What to do and say and what to avoid. How to generate tremendous interest, response, and high quality opportunities that will yield increased revenues and profits.

Elements of a High Performance Plan

The Marketing Matrix and Funnel Effect: How to create a simple yet powerful marketing program that targets the right message to the right audience at the right time with sales goals, marketing budgets, media placement, and message plan laid out monthly for the entire year and how to implement and execute it for ultimate success and results. We will help you build your company-specific plan that you can readily put into action.

Budget, Agenda, Objectives, and Key Performance Indicators and Metrics: Determine what to spend, where to spend it, and when to spend it with a balanced approach of broad scope, tactical, and guerrilla strategies in accordance with the rule of 27. How to build your marketing budget, plan, campaigns and calendar of events to drive the desired mix of opportunities and measure marketing performance to determine return on investment.

Message and Media: Discover the difference between the various message types – Image/Branding/All-Purpose, Direct Response, Retention – and why, how and when to use them. Learn the strengths and weaknesses of various media types and how to drive effectiveness, penetration, saturation, and domination. How to ensure congruency of internal perception and outside reality with core, customer, cause and community marketing.

Reviews, Retention, Referrals, Radius, and Recurring Revenues: Low Cost High Response Lead Generation is why these elements are the arsenal of secret weapons of market leaders. Learn how to build a fortress around your customers, create and unbreakable link, and develop a network of raving fans and referral ambassadors while covertly converting your competitors’ customers!

  • Understand what marketing is, why it’s important, it’s many facets, and the impact it can yield positively or negatively.
  • Develop your comprehensive high power marketing plan.
  • Market, Message and Media – Achieving the right mix and balance for results.
  • Guerrilla marketing is low cost, hard work, high yield marketing that will build a fortress around your marketplace and place a lock on your customers.

Marketing, Branding & Lead Generation

This workshop is designed specifically to have the attendee develop and finalize a company marketing plan based on company goals, with a campaign calendar and promotions for shoulder seasons to offset slow months.

The process used for this workshop is a working class, where a marketing evaluation will take place, a discussion about the core strategies in any trades firm will ensue, with in-class training, discussions around each core strategy, and goal setting by company.

The process also includes a defined planning tool to evaluate leads required by vertical, and the plans to achieve leads by vertical with a campaign and promotional strategy for each area. The action plans will be provided and can be customized to tie into the individual company marketing planning needs.

Topics Covered

  • New customer acquisition marketing
  • Existing client customer development and marketing
  • Tuck-in strategies for acquiring small companies databases
  • Media planning
  • Internal, operational and external marketing ideas to drive leads and results
  • Key pricing methods to facilitate promotions and budgeting for marketing
  • Leads – how many – where – and how to influence them
  • Specific written action plans/project plans will be provided that meet generic goals
  • And many other core strategies.

A software tool will be provided and there is extensive pre-work involved. This can be EXCEL or cloud based (attendee’s choice). All the tools will be customized to the individual company and extremely confidential.

This is an outcome-based workshop, combining teaching in-class, with work time, to finalize and prepare a world-class marketing plan designed to achieve your
company goals.

Personal Leadership: Create Your Calm Blue Ocean of Opportunity, Success, Fulfillment and Happiness

During turbulent times, personal leadership can help people navigate rough seas. Realizing that dense fog, while intimidating and possibly frightening at first glance, can be condensed down to a small glass. Keeping adversity and chaos in check, and not turn into paralyzing fear will drive performance in all areas of your life. Clear of your freedom from fear, you can create your very own blue ocean of opportunities free of competition and discover clear sailing to success on smooth seas.

The key is to get your mind right and live a life by design not by default. This starts from the moment you wake in the morning until the moment you lay your head on the pillow. Learn what you need to KNOW, who you need to BE, how you need to SHOW UP, what you know to DO and how you need to DO it, so you HAVE what you WANT, then GIVE back to others and PAY IT FORWARD. You will learn how to live a healthier and happier life, achieve better outcomes, and have success and fulfillment beyond your dreams. We will explore living life by the drop with an open heart and clear mind.

State of the Industry: Potential Threats & Leverage Opportunities

Drew Cameron will share a microcosmic view of a couple threats and opportunities facing HVAC, Home Performance, Solar and other home services contractors across the United States. You will gain an awareness of the national landscape and learn where your business may be vulnerable to the potential threat of a local marketplace attack or be able to leverage an opportunity to strike gold.

Ideas to include in session:


  • Self-Inflicted Wounds & Self-Sabotage
  • Big box retailers
  • Online Lead Aggregators
  • Poachers
    • Praxis
    • AC Direct
  • Manufacturers
  • Utilities
  • Financing Interest rates, buydowns, credit availability
  • Stagnation
  • Technology – not embracing and not developing
  • Skills gap
  • The company that kills your business will look nothing like your business and may arrive without notice

Lone-Wolf Syndrome – You cannot survive without a mentor and “Pure Partner”

  • Purchasing power partners
    • Discounts, volume rebates, consumer rebates
  • Financing
    • Venture capital partners
    • Business development loans
  • Technology development
  • Business innovation
  • Education
  • Recruiting
  • Consumer awareness
  • Industry research

Ecosystems & Profit Partners & Acquisitions

Cause & Community Marketing with Social connection

BE EPIC: Create an Unprecedented Client Journey and Enjoy an Amazing Life Experience

It’s NOT about YOU! Yet BEING EPIC starts and ends with YOU! How you do anything is how you and your team do everything. And, if you don’t start your day with INTENTION and act with INTENSITY, you live a life BY DEFAULT not BY DESIGN, and your CLIENT’S JOURNEY will be a reflection by default not by design. Drew Cameron and Russ Horrocks will show you the way to your FIELD of FLOW in life and customers’ homes so YOU can START creating an Unprecedented Client Journey that ENDS with YOU Enjoying an Amazing Life Experience.

  • A very specific process for leading a company to prosperity and developing your team. This will be the driver in how a culture of performance and accountability can be installed in any company.
  • A planning tool to allow you implement new processes today and then reevaluate and make any necessary adjustments on an annual basis.
  • Real world ideas and templates for tracking accountability in service, sales, installation.
  • The yearly, monthly, weekly and daily reports tools will be handed out for attendees.

Operational Excellence: Build or Re-build Your Empire to Reveal Your Greatness

Great companies are comprised of having the right people on the team, in the right positions, doing the right things at the right time. Most companies are built on the fly as they grow. People are added and duties assigned based on need, not a plan. How can a company that is built in such a haphazard manner reverse-engineer itself and discover its true potential?

Drew will share his insider secrets on how his team works with clients to expose the self-limiting shackles that typically strangle a company’s performance, deactivate its people, and can literally snuff the life out of an organization.

  • The 5 keys to success in business
  • How to reverse engineer an existing business to reveal its true potential
  • The single biggest mistake all businesses make and how to avoid it

Revenue Resultants Driving Profit Performance

Drew Cameron is president of FLOW Odyssey, the North American residential contracting services industry’s premier marketing resource, which delivers sales development and management support to help maximize business. The company works with contractors directly, fostering the growth of efficient marketing systems that yield highly effective, multimillion-dollar profit-generating organizations.

Drew has assembled an organization that brings together a network of innovative companies to provide unique products and services to home services contractors. The concept results in contractors receiving customized solutions to fit their specific needs from the greatest mind not only in the industry, but in professional sales overall.

When you hire Drew, you get access to FLOW Odyssey’s full suite of resources – which can operate onsite, online and on the phone to proactively implement systems to create change, hold people accountable to performance, and drive results. Services Include:

  • Sales Training
  • Marketing Consulting
  • Employee Recruiting
  • Pricebook Development
  • Business Coaching

Special Offer For Contractor University Members

Receive 20% off recruiting, training, coaching and consulting services*
Receive Free customization support for pricebook ($2,000 value with purchase of pricebook)
Receive Free customization of marketing plan ($2,000 value with purchase of marketing plan, budget and calendar)
